Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 2, Google Guys OR Bill Gates. hmm.

Well, for this week we will have to write either about the Google guys (Larry Page and Sergey Brin) or Bill Gates. If you ask me, I would chose to write about the guy who created the Microsoft, Bill Gates. :)

William Henry "BillGates III, who is well known by just the name of Bill Gates and also the creator or should I say the owner/ chairman of Microsoft! oh yeah, he's rich alright. :) I mean, well, he is one of the richest human being on earth right? Here I am, in front of my laptop writing a post on how he, Bill Gates, become so success. 

"I failed in some subjects in exam ,  but my friend passed in all. Now he's an engineer of Microsoft and I'm the owner of Microsoft." - Bill Gates.

What he's trying to say is falling down once doesn't make you a loser. Just get back up again. And if you fall again, just keep on trying to get on your feet. Never ever give up. You'll never know what is waiting for us ahead. 

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