Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 3, Part 2; Mortar and Pestle.

This is the original mortar and pestle. The one that we use for making sambal belacan and stuff like that. We normally use it in the kitchen. Unless if you are abnormal, you use it for other purposes. And yes, that is our task for this week. What will be the uses for this particular kitchen tool called mortar and pestle in another like 10000 years in the future? Uuuhh, how I love this task. :D

Well, as for me, Amiza Sulaiman, I have come with some ideas based on the mind map that Mr. Radzi Bedu gave us on what will be the uses of the mortar and pestle in the future. :) Enjoy.

As a WEAPON; yes, this particular tool can maybe a weapon in the future. You will never know. :) This thing somehow needs strategy. Well, first, you will have to put the mortar at some place that will make your enemy trip when you hit them with the pestle. :) When the enemy falls down, hit them more with the weapon you have in your hand, the pestle. You can also hit them with the mortar if you want. :)

Next, as a DIET tool. Erm, I'm not actually into this idea much but its kinda cool. I admit the drawing is ugly but, what the heck. This is how it works, the person who want to get skinny in a fast way just have to lay down with his/ her back on the mortar. Ouch, that hurts. Then the other person (okay I forgot to say that this method need two person) have to drag the pestle all over the patient's stomach. Until it gets red like RED! Do this like three times a week, and you'll be as slim as you want to. :) (Eh, I just realized that this method also can be  a torturing tool. Cool)

Last but not least, GAME. It's a simple game. Very very simple game. Yes, as you can see by the drawing above, you will have to just stand on the mortar on one leg. Well, that is just too easy. You will also have to balance yourself with a pestle standing on you! How's that? This game can be played with two or more person. But like they all said, the more the merrier ehh? :D

Well, I think that's about it  then. There are loads of ideas in my head, most of them are kind violence ideas. HEHE. Sory about that. Okay then, before I end up crapping, I should just put a fullstop for this. See you. :)

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